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APA : Mushtaq, M., Ch, A., & Parveen, S. (2020). Effects of Organizational Characteristics on QUAL Prevalence and its Implementation in Business Schools of Pakistan. Global Economics Review, V(I), 90-101.
CHICAGO : Mushtaq, Mudassar, Ayesha Ch, and Sajida Parveen. 2020. "Effects of Organizational Characteristics on QUAL Prevalence and its Implementation in Business Schools of Pakistan." Global Economics Review, V (I): 90-101 doi: 10.31703/ger.2020(V-I).08
HARVARD : MUSHTAQ, M., CH, A. & PARVEEN, S. 2020. Effects of Organizational Characteristics on QUAL Prevalence and its Implementation in Business Schools of Pakistan. Global Economics Review, V, 90-101.
MHRA : Mushtaq, Mudassar, Ayesha Ch, and Sajida Parveen. 2020. "Effects of Organizational Characteristics on QUAL Prevalence and its Implementation in Business Schools of Pakistan." Global Economics Review, V: 90-101
MLA : Mushtaq, Mudassar, Ayesha Ch, and Sajida Parveen. "Effects of Organizational Characteristics on QUAL Prevalence and its Implementation in Business Schools of Pakistan." Global Economics Review, V.I (2020): 90-101 Print.
OXFORD : Mushtaq, Mudassar, Ch, Ayesha, and Parveen, Sajida (2020), "Effects of Organizational Characteristics on QUAL Prevalence and its Implementation in Business Schools of Pakistan", Global Economics Review, V (I), 90-101
TURABIAN : Mushtaq, Mudassar, Ayesha Ch, and Sajida Parveen. "Effects of Organizational Characteristics on QUAL Prevalence and its Implementation in Business Schools of Pakistan." Global Economics Review V, no. I (2020): 90-101.