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APA : Zahra, A., Rehman, M. Z., & Baig, A. (2018). Economic or Organisation Perspective?: Triangulation of Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Learning Capacity (OLC) and Organisational Trust. Global Economics Review, III(II), 20-33.
CHICAGO : Zahra, Affaf, Muhammad Zia-ur Rehman, and Asia Baig. 2018. "Economic or Organisation Perspective?: Triangulation of Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Learning Capacity (OLC) and Organisational Trust." Global Economics Review, III (II): 20-33 doi: 10.31703/ger.2018(III-II).03
HARVARD : ZAHRA, A., REHMAN, M. Z. & BAIG, A. 2018. Economic or Organisation Perspective?: Triangulation of Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Learning Capacity (OLC) and Organisational Trust. Global Economics Review, III, 20-33.
MHRA : Zahra, Affaf, Muhammad Zia-ur Rehman, and Asia Baig. 2018. "Economic or Organisation Perspective?: Triangulation of Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Learning Capacity (OLC) and Organisational Trust." Global Economics Review, III: 20-33
MLA : Zahra, Affaf, Muhammad Zia-ur Rehman, and Asia Baig. "Economic or Organisation Perspective?: Triangulation of Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Learning Capacity (OLC) and Organisational Trust." Global Economics Review, III.II (2018): 20-33 Print.
OXFORD : Zahra, Affaf, Rehman, Muhammad Zia-ur, and Baig, Asia (2018), "Economic or Organisation Perspective?: Triangulation of Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Learning Capacity (OLC) and Organisational Trust", Global Economics Review, III (II), 20-33
TURABIAN : Zahra, Affaf, Muhammad Zia-ur Rehman, and Asia Baig. "Economic or Organisation Perspective?: Triangulation of Workplace Spirituality, Organisational Learning Capacity (OLC) and Organisational Trust." Global Economics Review III, no. II (2018): 20-33.