05 Pages : 43-54      10.31703/ger.2018(III-II).05      Published : Dec 2018

Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour

    The study examines the impact of authentic leader’s personality on employee voice behavior through a quantitative study. The results, from a sample of 200 subordinate–supervisor dyads from a healthcare organization in Pakistan, provide evidence of a positive relationship for leader authentic personality with direct reports’ ratings of the leaders’ authentic leadership. In addition, authentic leadership was found to influence subordinates’ voice behavior, as rated by subordinates’ immediate supervisors; notably, this relationship was partially mediated by the subordinates’ perceptions of OBSE. Furthermore, leader authentic personality was indirectly related to subordinates’ voice behaviour through the mediating influence of authentic leadership and, in turn, subordinates’ perceptions of Organization-based selfesteem. The findings of this study will make management understand the linkage of an authentic leader’s personality and employee voice behavior.

    Leader Authentic Personality, Authentic Leadership, Organization-Based Self-Esteem (OBSE), Employee Voice Behavior
    (1) Muhammad Zia-ur Rehman
    Assistant Professor, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Atiqa Shahbaz
    Research Scholar, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Noor Hassan
    PhD Fellow,Department of Management Sciences,Yeungnam University, North Gyeongsang,South Korea.
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    APA : Rehman, M. Z., Shahbaz, A., & Hassan, N. (2018). Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour. Global Economics Review, III(II), 43-54.
    CHICAGO : Rehman, Muhammad Zia-ur, Atiqa Shahbaz, and Noor Hassan. 2018. "Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour." Global Economics Review, III (II): 43-54 doi: 10.31703/ger.2018(III-II).05
    HARVARD : REHMAN, M. Z., SHAHBAZ, A. & HASSAN, N. 2018. Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour. Global Economics Review, III, 43-54.
    MHRA : Rehman, Muhammad Zia-ur, Atiqa Shahbaz, and Noor Hassan. 2018. "Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour." Global Economics Review, III: 43-54
    MLA : Rehman, Muhammad Zia-ur, Atiqa Shahbaz, and Noor Hassan. "Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour." Global Economics Review, III.II (2018): 43-54 Print.
    OXFORD : Rehman, Muhammad Zia-ur, Shahbaz, Atiqa, and Hassan, Noor (2018), "Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour", Global Economics Review, III (II), 43-54
    TURABIAN : Rehman, Muhammad Zia-ur, Atiqa Shahbaz, and Noor Hassan. "Due Economy is Based on Authenticity? Authentic Leader's Personality and Employees' Voice Behaviour." Global Economics Review III, no. II (2018): 43-54.