Authored by : Syed AliNaqiKazmi , AsiaBaig , MuhammadZia-UrRehman

06 Pages : 50-61


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    APA : Kazmi, S. A. N., Baig, A., & Rehman, M. Z. (2018). The Economy of Projects: Analyzing Project Management Resilience, Stress Management and Project Sustainability. Global Economics Review, III(I), 50-61.
    CHICAGO : Kazmi, Syed Ali Naqi, Asia Baig, and Muhammad Zia-Ur Rehman. 2018. "The Economy of Projects: Analyzing Project Management Resilience, Stress Management and Project Sustainability." Global Economics Review, III (I): 50-61 doi: 10.31703/ger.2018(III-I).06
    HARVARD : KAZMI, S. A. N., BAIG, A. & REHMAN, M. Z. 2018. The Economy of Projects: Analyzing Project Management Resilience, Stress Management and Project Sustainability. Global Economics Review, III, 50-61.
    MHRA : Kazmi, Syed Ali Naqi, Asia Baig, and Muhammad Zia-Ur Rehman. 2018. "The Economy of Projects: Analyzing Project Management Resilience, Stress Management and Project Sustainability." Global Economics Review, III: 50-61
    MLA : Kazmi, Syed Ali Naqi, Asia Baig, and Muhammad Zia-Ur Rehman. "The Economy of Projects: Analyzing Project Management Resilience, Stress Management and Project Sustainability." Global Economics Review, III.I (2018): 50-61 Print.
    OXFORD : Kazmi, Syed Ali Naqi, Baig, Asia, and Rehman, Muhammad Zia-Ur (2018), "The Economy of Projects: Analyzing Project Management Resilience, Stress Management and Project Sustainability", Global Economics Review, III (I), 50-61
    TURABIAN : Kazmi, Syed Ali Naqi, Asia Baig, and Muhammad Zia-Ur Rehman. "The Economy of Projects: Analyzing Project Management Resilience, Stress Management and Project Sustainability." Global Economics Review III, no. I (2018): 50-61.