US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics
In this current century, the use of economic sanctions by the superpowers, particularly the US, has become regular and aggressive. The US imposes sanctions and economic embargoes on states and groups who do not follow US-designed standards regarding manufacturing weapons, nuclear technology and resolving international disputes. However, it has failed most of the time to alter behaviour of the sanctioned countries. Sanctions programs of Syria, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea are a few of the many examples which prove the failure of American sanctions. This qualitative research article examines the politics of the US behind its sanctions policy along with negative impacts on targeted countries. It also analyses Donald Trump's aggressive sanctions policy, which is said as record-breaking in American history of economic sanctions. The whole analysis explains targeted sanctions policy is controversial and ineffective. These sanctions kill civilians and restrict them from basic necessities like food, medicines, and employment. Additionally, in a globalized world, states do not get much affected by sanctions. If one market closes its door on a state, it starts looking for other trade partners.
Sanctions, Civilians, Policy, Targeted States, CUBA, Iran, Syria, Politics
(1) Nimra Irfan
MPhil Scholar, Department of Humanities, Greenwich University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
(2) Madiha Nawaz
MPhil Scholar, Department of Humanities, Greenwich University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
(3) Sobia Jamil
Visiting Faculty Member, Department of Humanities, Greenwich University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
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Cite this article
APA : Irfan, N., Nawaz, M., & Jamil, S. (2021). US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics. Global Economics Review, VI(I), 152-165.
CHICAGO : Irfan, Nimra, Madiha Nawaz, and Sobia Jamil. 2021. "US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics." Global Economics Review, VI (I): 152-165 doi: 10.31703/ger.2021(VI-I).12
HARVARD : IRFAN, N., NAWAZ, M. & JAMIL, S. 2021. US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics. Global Economics Review, VI, 152-165.
MHRA : Irfan, Nimra, Madiha Nawaz, and Sobia Jamil. 2021. "US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics." Global Economics Review, VI: 152-165
MLA : Irfan, Nimra, Madiha Nawaz, and Sobia Jamil. "US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics." Global Economics Review, VI.I (2021): 152-165 Print.
OXFORD : Irfan, Nimra, Nawaz, Madiha, and Jamil, Sobia (2021), "US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics", Global Economics Review, VI (I), 152-165
TURABIAN : Irfan, Nimra, Madiha Nawaz, and Sobia Jamil. "US Economic Sanctions: A Controversial Foreign Policy Tool in International Politics." Global Economics Review VI, no. I (2021): 152-165.