08 Pages : 90-102      10.31703/ger.2022(VII-II).08      Published : Jun 2022

Trade Development in Pakistan: An Evidence by Gravity Model Approach

    This study estimated the trade potential of Pakistan by using the gravity model of trade. In this research, the panel data is used for the time period 1995-2018 for 42 counties under analysis. The country's potential trade is predicted with some specific trading partners as well as globally in the context of coefficients results obtained from the model. The outcomes indicated that Pakistan's potential in terms of trade is at maximum level in (ASEAN), (EU), Middle East, Latin America and North America. The potential for trade is very lower with (SAARC) and (ECO). The key issues analyzed by this study are; political and social barriers with neighboring countries, specifically India and Pakistan, which are the biggest economies of SAARC. The same barriers seemed in the EU and NAFTA. In this situation, the Exports of Pakistan are badly impacted by political crises.

    Trade Potential, Augmented Gravity Model, Pakistan
    (1) Allah Bux Lakhan
    Lecturer, Government Degree College Ghotki, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Zulfiqar Ali Keeryo
    Ex. Economic Growth Advisor, Research and Training Wing, Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Faiz Muhammad Khuwaja
    Associate Professor, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration University, Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan
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    CHICAGO : Lakhan, Allah Bux, Zulfiqar Ali Keeryo, and Faiz Muhammad Khuwaja. 2022. "Trade Development in Pakistan: An Evidence by Gravity Model Approach." Global Economics Review, VII (II): 90-102 doi: 10.31703/ger.2022(VII-II).08
    HARVARD : LAKHAN, A. B., KEERYO, Z. A. & KHUWAJA, F. M. 2022. Trade Development in Pakistan: An Evidence by Gravity Model Approach. Global Economics Review, VII, 90-102.
    MHRA : Lakhan, Allah Bux, Zulfiqar Ali Keeryo, and Faiz Muhammad Khuwaja. 2022. "Trade Development in Pakistan: An Evidence by Gravity Model Approach." Global Economics Review, VII: 90-102
    MLA : Lakhan, Allah Bux, Zulfiqar Ali Keeryo, and Faiz Muhammad Khuwaja. "Trade Development in Pakistan: An Evidence by Gravity Model Approach." Global Economics Review, VII.II (2022): 90-102 Print.
    OXFORD : Lakhan, Allah Bux, Keeryo, Zulfiqar Ali, and Khuwaja, Faiz Muhammad (2022), "Trade Development in Pakistan: An Evidence by Gravity Model Approach", Global Economics Review, VII (II), 90-102
    TURABIAN : Lakhan, Allah Bux, Zulfiqar Ali Keeryo, and Faiz Muhammad Khuwaja. "Trade Development in Pakistan: An Evidence by Gravity Model Approach." Global Economics Review VII, no. II (2022): 90-102.