Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations
Organizations need to be effective and timely manage diversity. Efficient diversity management within organizations helps them to build a satisfied and happy workforce that feels safe at the workplace. A happy workforce translates into higher revenues through satisfied and loyal customers. Equal Employment Opportunity is a means to achieve effective diversity management within organizations. However, there is a gap in the literature in providing a roadmap for an organization to build a strong employee base. Therefore, this paper examines the literature and tries to identify critical issues in implementing adequate EEO law and diversity management. This paper concludes with recommendations for organizations to implement adequate EEO laws for a better work environment, which results in higher revenue generation, greater brand image, and customer satisfaction.
Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity Management, Organizational Performance, Discrimination, Organizational Diversity, Gender Diversity, Gender Bias
(1) Nisar Ali Tunio
OGDCL, Tando Alam Oil Complex, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
(2) Aamir Iqbal Umrani
Department of Business Administration, Madressatul Islam University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
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APA : Tunio, N. A., & Umrani, A. I. (2022). Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations. Global Economics Review, VII(IV), 41-50.
CHICAGO : Tunio, Nisar Ali, and Aamir Iqbal Umrani. 2022. "Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations." Global Economics Review, VII (IV): 41-50 doi: 10.31703/ger.2022(VII-IV).04
HARVARD : TUNIO, N. A. & UMRANI, A. I. 2022. Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations. Global Economics Review, VII, 41-50.
MHRA : Tunio, Nisar Ali, and Aamir Iqbal Umrani. 2022. "Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations." Global Economics Review, VII: 41-50
MLA : Tunio, Nisar Ali, and Aamir Iqbal Umrani. "Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations." Global Economics Review, VII.IV (2022): 41-50 Print.
OXFORD : Tunio, Nisar Ali and Umrani, Aamir Iqbal (2022), "Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations", Global Economics Review, VII (IV), 41-50
TURABIAN : Tunio, Nisar Ali, and Aamir Iqbal Umrani. "Problems in Implementing Adequate Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Diversity Management in Organizations." Global Economics Review VII, no. IV (2022): 41-50.