01 Pages : 1-7      10.31703/ger.2022(VII-IV).01      Published : Dec 2022

Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services

    The goal of this study is to look at the effect of "perceived ease of use" (PEOU), "perceived usefulness" (PU), "perceived service cost" (PSC), "perceived credibility" (PC) and "customers' satisfaction" (CS) on consumers' intention to adopt mobile wallet payment services. "Customer satisfaction" (CS) was the mediator between PEOU, PU and IU. The study model is based on the model of "technology acceptance model" (TAM). The study involves 300 respondents and the data was obtained via an online questionnaire. - Convenient sampling method. Smart PLS (partial least squares) regression using the "structural equation" technique has been applied to review and analyze the data. The data analysis findings are supported with several previously published hypotheses. All independent variables influence the dependent variable IU, indirect effect of PU is positive and significant to IU, further it was found from analysis that the PEOU has not significant effect to the mediator CS and the IU indirectly.

    Mobile Wallet, Digital Payments, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Adoption of Technology, Consumer Intention
    (1) Faraz Mahboob
    Research Scholar, Mehran University Institute of Science, Technology and Development, MUET, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (2) Arifa Bano Talpur
    Assistant Professor, Mehran University Institute of Science, Technology and Development, MUET,Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
    (3) Mahvish Kanwal Khaskhely
    Lecturer, Mehran University Institute of Science, Technology and Development, MUET, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
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    APA : Mahboob, F., Talpur, A. B., & Khaskhely, M. K. (2022). Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services. Global Economics Review, VII(IV), 1-7.
    CHICAGO : Mahboob, Faraz, Arifa Bano Talpur, and Mahvish Kanwal Khaskhely. 2022. "Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services." Global Economics Review, VII (IV): 1-7 doi: 10.31703/ger.2022(VII-IV).01
    HARVARD : MAHBOOB, F., TALPUR, A. B. & KHASKHELY, M. K. 2022. Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services. Global Economics Review, VII, 1-7.
    MHRA : Mahboob, Faraz, Arifa Bano Talpur, and Mahvish Kanwal Khaskhely. 2022. "Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services." Global Economics Review, VII: 1-7
    MLA : Mahboob, Faraz, Arifa Bano Talpur, and Mahvish Kanwal Khaskhely. "Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services." Global Economics Review, VII.IV (2022): 1-7 Print.
    OXFORD : Mahboob, Faraz, Talpur, Arifa Bano, and Khaskhely, Mahvish Kanwal (2022), "Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services", Global Economics Review, VII (IV), 1-7
    TURABIAN : Mahboob, Faraz, Arifa Bano Talpur, and Mahvish Kanwal Khaskhely. "Investigating Factors Towards Adoption of Mobile Wallet Payment Services." Global Economics Review VII, no. IV (2022): 1-7.