Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between corporate diversification on the value of cash holding. Furthermore, the research also examined the corporate diversificationâ€value of cash holding relationship with good and poor corporate governance (CG); industrial competitiveness and industrial nonâ€competitiveness; family and nonâ€family oriented firms; Sharia and nonâ€Sharia compliant firms. The data is used for the years 2017 to 2022 of nonâ€financial firms registered on the Pakistan Stock Exchange. The result predicts that corporate diversification exerts a negative effect on the value of cash holding but this negative relationship becomes positive in goodâ€governed firms, completive industries and Sharia label firms. On the other hand, corporate diversification exerts a negative effect on the value of cash holding in familyâ€oriented firms due to agency problems.
Corporate Diversification, Corporate Governance, Competition, Sharia Compliant Firms, Pakistan
(1) Idrees Ali Shah
Lecturer, Department of Business and Management Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Saleem Ullah Khan
Lecturer, Department of Business and Management Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Fahad Siddiqi
Lecturer, Department of Business and Management Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Shah, I. A., Khan, S. U., & Siddiqi, M. F. (2023). Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding. Global Economics Review, VIII(IV), 51-60. https://doi.org/10.31703/ger.2023(VIII-IV).05
CHICAGO : Shah, Idrees Ali, Saleem Ullah Khan, and Muhammad Fahad Siddiqi. 2023. "Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding." Global Economics Review, VIII (IV): 51-60 doi: 10.31703/ger.2023(VIII-IV).05
HARVARD : SHAH, I. A., KHAN, S. U. & SIDDIQI, M. F. 2023. Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding. Global Economics Review, VIII, 51-60.
MHRA : Shah, Idrees Ali, Saleem Ullah Khan, and Muhammad Fahad Siddiqi. 2023. "Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding." Global Economics Review, VIII: 51-60
MLA : Shah, Idrees Ali, Saleem Ullah Khan, and Muhammad Fahad Siddiqi. "Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding." Global Economics Review, VIII.IV (2023): 51-60 Print.
OXFORD : Shah, Idrees Ali, Khan, Saleem Ullah, and Siddiqi, Muhammad Fahad (2023), "Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding", Global Economics Review, VIII (IV), 51-60
TURABIAN : Shah, Idrees Ali, Saleem Ullah Khan, and Muhammad Fahad Siddiqi. "Effect of Corporate Diversification on the Value of Cash Holding." Global Economics Review VIII, no. IV (2023): 51-60. https://doi.org/10.31703/ger.2023(VIII-IV).05