Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics
The study analyzed the combined impact of the firm's characteristics on the level of corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD). Data were obtained from the annual reports, and all the available assumptions were fulfilled before running the regression models. The results show that the percentage of shares held by the foreigner shareholders, top management, number of total shareholders, and the presence of independent director has a positive relationship with the level of CSRD. In addition, the percentage of the local shareholders has shown a negative association with the level of CSRD. Nevertheless, the firm's profitability shows no significant result, negating the general perception that profitable firms involve in more corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Findings offer a comprehensive picture for policymakers, practitioners, and general corporate beneficiaries. This study insight that the involvement in CSR activities is sensitive to the internal corporate structure and the firm's capabilities
Corporate Social Responsibility; CSR Disclosure; Firm's Characteristics; Content Analysis; Corporate Decision.
(1) Maqsood Hayat
Assistant Professor, Yunnan University of Business Management, Kunming, China.
(2) Shehzad Khan
Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Studies and Leadership, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Faizan Malik
Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Studies and Leadership, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Hayat, M., Khan, S., & Malik, M. F. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics. Global Economics Review, III(I), 117-133.
CHICAGO : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. 2018. "Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics." Global Economics Review, III (I): 117-133 doi: 10.31703/ger.2018(III-I).13
HARVARD : HAYAT, M., KHAN, S. & MALIK, M. F. 2018. Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics. Global Economics Review, III, 117-133.
MHRA : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. 2018. "Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics." Global Economics Review, III: 117-133
MLA : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. "Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics." Global Economics Review, III.I (2018): 117-133 Print.
OXFORD : Hayat, Maqsood, Khan, Shehzad, and Malik, Muhammad Faizan (2018), "Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics", Global Economics Review, III (I), 117-133
TURABIAN : Hayat, Maqsood, Shehzad Khan, and Muhammad Faizan Malik. "Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: From the Perspective of Firm's Characteristics." Global Economics Review III, no. I (2018): 117-133.