Authored by : Muhammad Abdullah , Atif AliGill , Ayza Shoukat

07 Pages : 75-86


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    APA : Abdullah, M., Gill, A. A., & Shoukat, A. (2021). Road to Openness: Implications of Globalization for Education in Pakistan..... Global Economics Review, VI(II), 75-86.
    CHICAGO : Abdullah, Muhammad, Atif Ali Gill, and Ayza Shoukat. 2021. "Road to Openness: Implications of Globalization for Education in Pakistan....." Global Economics Review, VI (II): 75-86 doi: 10.31703/ger.2021(VI-II).07
    HARVARD : ABDULLAH, M., GILL, A. A. & SHOUKAT, A. 2021. Road to Openness: Implications of Globalization for Education in Pakistan..... Global Economics Review, VI, 75-86.
    MHRA : Abdullah, Muhammad, Atif Ali Gill, and Ayza Shoukat. 2021. "Road to Openness: Implications of Globalization for Education in Pakistan....." Global Economics Review, VI: 75-86
    MLA : Abdullah, Muhammad, Atif Ali Gill, and Ayza Shoukat. "Road to Openness: Implications of Globalization for Education in Pakistan....." Global Economics Review, VI.II (2021): 75-86 Print.
    OXFORD : Abdullah, Muhammad, Gill, Atif Ali, and Shoukat, Ayza (2021), "Road to Openness: Implications of Globalization for Education in Pakistan....", Global Economics Review, VI (II), 75-86
    TURABIAN : Abdullah, Muhammad, Atif Ali Gill, and Ayza Shoukat. "Road to Openness: Implications of Globalization for Education in Pakistan....." Global Economics Review VI, no. II (2021): 75-86.