Authored by : Ghulam MurtazaLahbar , DahshillaJunejo , AzeemAkhtarBhatti

06 Pages : 67-83


  • Bilal, S., Cheema, C., & Javed, F. (2018). “Activating Employee’s pro- Environmental Behaviors: The Role of CSR, Organizational Identification, and Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership.” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 25(5), 904–11.
  • Alavi, S., & Aghakhani, H. (2021). Identifying the effect of green human resource management practices on lean-agile (LEAGILE) and prioritizing its practices. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
  • Ali, M., Ahmed, S., Robson, G. D., Javed, I., Ali, N., Atiq, N., & Hameed, A. (2014). Isolation and molecular characterization of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic degrading fungal isolates. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 54(1), 18–27.
  • Chapman, D. A., Uggerslev, K. L., Carroll, S. A., Piasentin, K. A., & Jones, D. R. (2005). Applicant Attraction to Organizations and Job Choice: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Correlates of Recruiting Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(5), 928–944.
  • Chen, Y., & Chang, C. S. (2013). The Determinants of Green Product Development Performance: Green Dynamic Capabilities, Green Transformational Leadership, and Green Creativity. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(1), 107–119.
  • Graves, L. M., Sarkis, J., & Zhu, Q. (2013). How transformational leadership and employee motivation combine to predict employee pro-environmental behaviours in China. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, 81–91.
  • Gully, S. M., Phillips, J. M., Castellano, W., Han, K., & Kim, A. A. (2013). A Mediated Moderation Model of Recruiting Socially and Environmentally Responsible Job Applicants. Personnel Psychology, 66(4), 935–973.
  • Hailiang, Z., Khokhar, M., Islam, T., & Sharma, A. (2023). A model for green-resilient supplier selection: fuzzy best–worst multi-criteria decision-making method and its applications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
  • Hameed, R., Mahmood, A., & Shoaib, M. (2022). The Role of Green Human Resource Practices in Fostering Green Corporate Social Responsibility. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  • Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (1994). Competing for the Future.
  • Gary, H., & Heene, A. (1994). Competence- Based Competition. Wiley.
  • Yumei, H., Khokhar, M., Khan, M. A., Islam, T., & Haider, I. (2021). Put Safety First: Exploring the Role of Health and Safety Practices in Improving the Performance of SMEs. SAGE Open, 11(3), 215824402110321.
  • Irshad, M., Liu, W., Arshad, J., Sohail, M. R., Murthy, A., Khokhar, M., & Uba, M. M. (2019). A Novel Localization Technique Using Luminous Flux. Applied Sciences, 9(23), 5027. h ttps://
  • Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Jiang, K. (2014). An Aspirational Framework for Strategic Human Resource Management. The Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 1–56.
  • Kabir, M., Singh, S. N., & Ferrantino, M. J. (2019). The Textile-Clothing Value Chain in India and Bangladesh: How Appropriate Policies Can Promote (or Inhibit) Trade and Investment. In World Bank, Washington, DC eBooks.
  • Khokhar, M., Iqbal, W., Yumei, H., Abbas, M., & Fatima, A. (2020). Assessing Supply Chain Performance from the Perspective of Pakistan’s Manufacturing Industry Through Social Sustainability. Processes, 8(9), 1064.
  • Khokhar, M., Iqbal, W., Yumei, H., & Irshad, M. (2022). Going Green Supply Chain Management During COVID-19, Assessing the Best Supplier Selection Criteria: A Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Approach. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 17(1), 36–51.
  • Mahoney, J. T., & Pandian, J. R. (1992). The resource-based view within the conversation of strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 13(5), 363–380.
  • McGrath, R. G., MacMillan, I. C., & Venkataraman, S. (1995). Defining and developing competence: A strategic process paradigm. Strategic Management Journal, 16(4), 251–275.
  • Miller, D., & Shamsie, J. (1996). THE RESOURCE-BASED VIEW OF THE FIRM IN TWO ENVIRONMENTS: THE HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS FROM 1936 TO 1965. Academy of Management Journal, 39(3), 519–543.
  • Najrani, M. (2016). The endless opportunity for organizational agility. Strategic Direction, 32(3), 37–38.
  • Peng, X., Lee, S., & Lu, Z. (2020). Employees' perceived job performance, organizational identification, and pro- environmental behaviours in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 90, 102632.
  • Prahalad, C. K., & Hamel, G. (2006). The Core Competence of the Corporation. In Springer eBooks (pp. 275–292).
  • Robertson, J., & Carleton, E. (2018). Uncovering How and When Environmental Leadership Affects Employees’ Voluntary Pro-environmental Behavior. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 25(2), 197–210.
  • Singh, S., Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R., & Graziano, D. (2020). Green innovation and environmental performance: The role of green transformational leadership and green human resource management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 150, 119762.
  • Tallon, P. P., Queiroz, M., Coltman, T., & Sharma, R. (2019). Information technology and the search for organizational agility: A systematic review with future research possibilities. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(2), 218–237.
  • Walker, H., Seuring, S., Sarkis, J., & Klassesn, R. (2014). Sustainable operations management: recent trends and future directions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(5).
  • Yumei, H., Weng, J., Gao, Q., Wang, Y., Khokhar, M., & Liu, J. (2020). Considering the Patient Satisfaction and Staffing skill the Optimization of Surgical Scheduling by Particle Swarm and Genetic Algorithm. Solid State Technology, 2096– 2111.
  • Yusliza, M. Y., Norazmi, N., Jabbour, C. J. C., Fernando, Y., Fawehinmi, O., & Seles, B. M. R. P. (2019). Top management commitment, corporate social responsibility and green human resource management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26(6), 2051–2078.
  • Yusliza, M. Y., Othman, N. H., & Jabbour, C. J. C. (2017). Deciphering the implementation of green human resource management in an emerging economy. Journal of Management Development, 36(10), 1230–1246.
  • Zaheer, A., & Zaheer, S. (1997). Catching the Wave: Alertness, Responsiveness, and Market Influence in Global Electronic Networks. Management Science, 43(11), 1493–1509.
  • Zhu, J., Tang, W., Zhang, B., & Wang, H. (2022). Influence of Environmentally Specific Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Green Innovation Behavior— A Moderated Mediation Model. Sustainability, 14(3), 1828.
  • Bilal, S., Cheema, C., & Javed, F. (2018). “Activating Employee’s pro- Environmental Behaviors: The Role of CSR, Organizational Identification, and Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership.” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 25(5), 904–11.
  • Alavi, S., & Aghakhani, H. (2021). Identifying the effect of green human resource management practices on lean-agile (LEAGILE) and prioritizing its practices. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.
  • Ali, M., Ahmed, S., Robson, G. D., Javed, I., Ali, N., Atiq, N., & Hameed, A. (2014). Isolation and molecular characterization of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic degrading fungal isolates. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 54(1), 18–27.
  • Chapman, D. A., Uggerslev, K. L., Carroll, S. A., Piasentin, K. A., & Jones, D. R. (2005). Applicant Attraction to Organizations and Job Choice: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Correlates of Recruiting Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(5), 928–944.
  • Chen, Y., & Chang, C. S. (2013). The Determinants of Green Product Development Performance: Green Dynamic Capabilities, Green Transformational Leadership, and Green Creativity. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(1), 107–119.
  • Graves, L. M., Sarkis, J., & Zhu, Q. (2013). How transformational leadership and employee motivation combine to predict employee pro-environmental behaviours in China. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, 81–91.
  • Gully, S. M., Phillips, J. M., Castellano, W., Han, K., & Kim, A. A. (2013). A Mediated Moderation Model of Recruiting Socially and Environmentally Responsible Job Applicants. Personnel Psychology, 66(4), 935–973.
  • Hailiang, Z., Khokhar, M., Islam, T., & Sharma, A. (2023). A model for green-resilient supplier selection: fuzzy best–worst multi-criteria decision-making method and its applications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
  • Hameed, R., Mahmood, A., & Shoaib, M. (2022). The Role of Green Human Resource Practices in Fostering Green Corporate Social Responsibility. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  • Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (1994). Competing for the Future.
  • Gary, H., & Heene, A. (1994). Competence- Based Competition. Wiley.
  • Yumei, H., Khokhar, M., Khan, M. A., Islam, T., & Haider, I. (2021). Put Safety First: Exploring the Role of Health and Safety Practices in Improving the Performance of SMEs. SAGE Open, 11(3), 215824402110321.
  • Irshad, M., Liu, W., Arshad, J., Sohail, M. R., Murthy, A., Khokhar, M., & Uba, M. M. (2019). A Novel Localization Technique Using Luminous Flux. Applied Sciences, 9(23), 5027. h ttps://
  • Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Jiang, K. (2014). An Aspirational Framework for Strategic Human Resource Management. The Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 1–56.
  • Kabir, M., Singh, S. N., & Ferrantino, M. J. (2019). The Textile-Clothing Value Chain in India and Bangladesh: How Appropriate Policies Can Promote (or Inhibit) Trade and Investment. In World Bank, Washington, DC eBooks.
  • Khokhar, M., Iqbal, W., Yumei, H., Abbas, M., & Fatima, A. (2020). Assessing Supply Chain Performance from the Perspective of Pakistan’s Manufacturing Industry Through Social Sustainability. Processes, 8(9), 1064.
  • Khokhar, M., Iqbal, W., Yumei, H., & Irshad, M. (2022). Going Green Supply Chain Management During COVID-19, Assessing the Best Supplier Selection Criteria: A Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Approach. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 17(1), 36–51.
  • Mahoney, J. T., & Pandian, J. R. (1992). The resource-based view within the conversation of strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 13(5), 363–380.
  • McGrath, R. G., MacMillan, I. C., & Venkataraman, S. (1995). Defining and developing competence: A strategic process paradigm. Strategic Management Journal, 16(4), 251–275.
  • Miller, D., & Shamsie, J. (1996). THE RESOURCE-BASED VIEW OF THE FIRM IN TWO ENVIRONMENTS: THE HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS FROM 1936 TO 1965. Academy of Management Journal, 39(3), 519–543.
  • Najrani, M. (2016). The endless opportunity for organizational agility. Strategic Direction, 32(3), 37–38.
  • Peng, X., Lee, S., & Lu, Z. (2020). Employees' perceived job performance, organizational identification, and pro- environmental behaviours in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 90, 102632.
  • Prahalad, C. K., & Hamel, G. (2006). The Core Competence of the Corporation. In Springer eBooks (pp. 275–292).
  • Robertson, J., & Carleton, E. (2018). Uncovering How and When Environmental Leadership Affects Employees’ Voluntary Pro-environmental Behavior. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 25(2), 197–210.
  • Singh, S., Del Giudice, M., Chierici, R., & Graziano, D. (2020). Green innovation and environmental performance: The role of green transformational leadership and green human resource management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 150, 119762.
  • Tallon, P. P., Queiroz, M., Coltman, T., & Sharma, R. (2019). Information technology and the search for organizational agility: A systematic review with future research possibilities. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(2), 218–237.
  • Walker, H., Seuring, S., Sarkis, J., & Klassesn, R. (2014). Sustainable operations management: recent trends and future directions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(5).
  • Yumei, H., Weng, J., Gao, Q., Wang, Y., Khokhar, M., & Liu, J. (2020). Considering the Patient Satisfaction and Staffing skill the Optimization of Surgical Scheduling by Particle Swarm and Genetic Algorithm. Solid State Technology, 2096– 2111.
  • Yusliza, M. Y., Norazmi, N., Jabbour, C. J. C., Fernando, Y., Fawehinmi, O., & Seles, B. M. R. P. (2019). Top management commitment, corporate social responsibility and green human resource management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26(6), 2051–2078.
  • Yusliza, M. Y., Othman, N. H., & Jabbour, C. J. C. (2017). Deciphering the implementation of green human resource management in an emerging economy. Journal of Management Development, 36(10), 1230–1246.
  • Zaheer, A., & Zaheer, S. (1997). Catching the Wave: Alertness, Responsiveness, and Market Influence in Global Electronic Networks. Management Science, 43(11), 1493–1509.
  • Zhu, J., Tang, W., Zhang, B., & Wang, H. (2022). Influence of Environmentally Specific Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Green Innovation Behavior— A Moderated Mediation Model. Sustainability, 14(3), 1828.

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    APA : Lahbar, G. M., Junejo, D., & Bhatti, A. A. (2023). Mediating Effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Agility (OA) On Firm Environmental Performance (FEP): By Applying Quantitative Research Approach. Global Economics Review, VIII(II), 67-83.
    CHICAGO : Lahbar, Ghulam Murtaza, Dahshilla Junejo, and Azeem Akhtar Bhatti. 2023. "Mediating Effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Agility (OA) On Firm Environmental Performance (FEP): By Applying Quantitative Research Approach." Global Economics Review, VIII (II): 67-83 doi: 10.31703/ger.2023(VIII-II).06
    HARVARD : LAHBAR, G. M., JUNEJO, D. & BHATTI, A. A. 2023. Mediating Effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Agility (OA) On Firm Environmental Performance (FEP): By Applying Quantitative Research Approach. Global Economics Review, VIII, 67-83.
    MHRA : Lahbar, Ghulam Murtaza, Dahshilla Junejo, and Azeem Akhtar Bhatti. 2023. "Mediating Effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Agility (OA) On Firm Environmental Performance (FEP): By Applying Quantitative Research Approach." Global Economics Review, VIII: 67-83
    MLA : Lahbar, Ghulam Murtaza, Dahshilla Junejo, and Azeem Akhtar Bhatti. "Mediating Effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Agility (OA) On Firm Environmental Performance (FEP): By Applying Quantitative Research Approach." Global Economics Review, VIII.II (2023): 67-83 Print.
    OXFORD : Lahbar, Ghulam Murtaza, Junejo, Dahshilla, and Bhatti, Azeem Akhtar (2023), "Mediating Effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Agility (OA) On Firm Environmental Performance (FEP): By Applying Quantitative Research Approach", Global Economics Review, VIII (II), 67-83
    TURABIAN : Lahbar, Ghulam Murtaza, Dahshilla Junejo, and Azeem Akhtar Bhatti. "Mediating Effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Agility (OA) On Firm Environmental Performance (FEP): By Applying Quantitative Research Approach." Global Economics Review VIII, no. II (2023): 67-83.