Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal
The United Nations Climate Change Regime, planned in 1992, and formally established in 1994 through the inauguration of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), under its mandate to address climate change at the global level, provides a great deal of support to maintain global climate control through different institutions in the capacity building of developing states in health, poverty reduction, green energy, and the transfer of carbon dioxide reduction technology. This study intends to ascertain the development of the UN climate change regime and its role in Pakistan's socio-economic development for a sustainable climate from 1992 to 2016. The variables to determine the degree of UNFCCC's efforts in Pakistan include public health, poverty reduction, agricultural improvement, carbon dioxide emission control, international trade collaboration, and gender-oriented societal improvements. The study highlights the impact of efforts on these lines and the possible incentives to crop up substantially the fruits of the given considerable opportunity to develop the socioeconomic slant positively. This exploratory study is based on primary and secondary data, annual reports of different UN organs, especially the UNFCCC, official data from the Ministry of Climate Change Pakistan, surveys, interviews from the field experts, and peer-reviewed published research.
Agriculture, Climate Change, Economy, Kyoto Protocol Pakistan, UNFCCC, United Nations
(1) Muhammad Mubeen
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Qasim Basharat
MS International Relations Candidate, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Sohail Ahmad
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Mubeen, M., Basharat, M. Q., & Ahmad, S. (2017). Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal. Global Economics Review, II(I), 103-117.
CHICAGO : Mubeen, Muhammad, Muhammad Qasim Basharat, and Sohail Ahmad. 2017. "Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal." Global Economics Review, II (I): 103-117 doi: 10.31703/ger.2017(II-I).11
HARVARD : MUBEEN, M., BASHARAT, M. Q. & AHMAD, S. 2017. Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal. Global Economics Review, II, 103-117.
MHRA : Mubeen, Muhammad, Muhammad Qasim Basharat, and Sohail Ahmad. 2017. "Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal." Global Economics Review, II: 103-117
MLA : Mubeen, Muhammad, Muhammad Qasim Basharat, and Sohail Ahmad. "Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal." Global Economics Review, II.I (2017): 103-117 Print.
OXFORD : Mubeen, Muhammad, Basharat, Muhammad Qasim, and Ahmad, Sohail (2017), "Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal", Global Economics Review, II (I), 103-117
TURABIAN : Mubeen, Muhammad, Muhammad Qasim Basharat, and Sohail Ahmad. "Development of the United Nations Climate Change Regime and its Socio-economic Impressions on Pakistan (1992-2016): An Appraisal." Global Economics Review II, no. I (2017): 103-117.